2024-08-13 08:28:45 +0200
242 MB
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/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:4273cb3c493137612818aa350c7f43f1dc53be552cdf9f2baeb5969fc5eee49a in /
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c mv -f /etc/yum.repos.d/ubi.repo /tmp || :
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:5b1f650e1376d79fa3a65df4a154ea5166def95154b52c1c1097dfd8fc7d58eb in /tmp/tls-ca-bundle.pem
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD multi:39cf1126311f383f05bcdcfb2be4d277a3c28e8231fe3885ec63ceb2c04249b8 in /etc/yum.repos.d/
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL maintainer="Red Hat, Inc."
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL com.redhat.component="ubi9-container" name="ubi9" version="9.4"
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL com.redhat.license_terms="https://www.redhat.com/en/about/red-hat-end-user-license-agreements#UBI"
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL summary="Provides the latest release of Red Hat Universal Base Image 9."
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL description="The Universal Base Image is designed and engineered to be the base layer for all of your containerized applications, middleware and utilities. This base image is freely redistributable, but Red Hat only supports Red Hat technologies through subscriptions for Red Hat products. This image is maintained by Red Hat and updated regularly."
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL io.k8s.display-name="Red Hat Universal Base Image 9"
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL io.openshift.expose-services=""
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL io.openshift.tags="base rhel9"
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV container oci
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
2024-07-18 16:07:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"]
2024-07-18 16:07:33 UTC/bin/sh -c rm -rf /var/log/*
2024-07-18 16:07:33 UTC/bin/sh -c mkdir -p /var/log/rhsm
2024-07-18 16:07:33 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL release=1181
2024-07-18 16:07:33 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:af4877a497e904efadfffc12189a7282b22f0759faff72a5076dd6343618969c in /root/buildinfo/content_manifests/ubi9-container-9.4-1181.json
2024-07-18 16:07:34 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:932d340d4cb6ac98a446453c39c99fc9ea0e0c62c5755320a5ef85986cf1b2b5 in /root/buildinfo/Dockerfile-ubi9-9.4-1181
2024-07-18 16:07:34 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL "distribution-scope"="public" "vendor"="Red Hat, Inc." "build-date"="2024-07-18T15:47:19" "architecture"="x86_64" "vcs-type"="git" "vcs-ref"="e309397d02fc53f7fa99db1371b8700eb49f268f" "io.k8s.description"="The Universal Base Image is designed and engineered to be the base layer for all of your containerized applications, middleware and utilities. This base image is freely redistributable, but Red Hat only supports Red Hat technologies through subscriptions for Red Hat products. This image is maintained by Red Hat and updated regularly." "url"="https://access.redhat.com/containers/#/registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/images/9.4-1181"
2024-07-18 16:07:34 UTC/bin/sh -c rm -f '/etc/yum.repos.d/repo-05248.repo' '/etc/yum.repos.d/repo-09742.repo'
2024-07-18 16:07:35 UTC/bin/sh -c rm -f /tmp/tls-ca-bundle.pem
2024-07-18 16:07:37 UTC/bin/sh -c mv -fZ /tmp/ubi.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/ubi.repo || :
2024-08-13 08:27:49 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)MAINTAINER Roland Kammerer <roland.kammerer@linbit.com>
2024-08-13 08:27:49 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENV DRBD_VERSION=9.2.11
2024-08-13 08:27:49 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ARG release=1
2024-08-13 08:27:49 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)LABEL name=DRBD Kernel module load container vendor=LINBIT version=9.2.11 release=1 summary=DRBD's kernel component description=DRBD's kernel component
2024-08-13 08:27:49 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 release=1 /bin/sh -c mkdir /licenses && cp /usr/share/licenses/shadow-utils/gpl-2.0.txt /licenses/ # buildkit
2024-08-13 08:28:20 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 release=1 /bin/sh -c dnf -y update-minimal --security --sec-severity=Important --sec-severity=Critical && dnf install -y cpio diffutils gcc kmod make patch perl python3 python3-pip && dnf clean all -y && pip-3 install https://github.com/LINBIT/python-lbdist/archive/master.tar.gz # buildkit
2024-08-13 08:28:20 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)COPY /pkgs /pkgs # buildkit
2024-08-13 08:28:44 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 release=1 /bin/sh -c curl -fsSL https://nexus.at.linbit.com/repository/lbbuild/from_rhel_repos.sh | bash -s -- elfutils-libelf-devel kernel-rpm-macros # buildkit
2024-08-13 08:28:45 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)RUN |1 release=1 /bin/sh -c rm -rf /pkgs # buildkit
2024-08-13 08:28:45 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)COPY /drbd.tar.gz / # buildkit
2024-08-13 08:28:45 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)COPY /pkgs /pkgs # buildkit
2024-08-13 08:28:45 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)COPY /entry.sh / # buildkit
2024-08-13 08:28:45 +0200 (buildkit.dockerfile.v0)ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh" "-c" "/entry.sh"]